Uk Signed Paris Agreement

Sir Crispin Tickell, former British ambassador to the United Nations, said: “Britain`s ratification of the historic Paris Agreement is an important moment, not least because our country has long led global efforts to address the effects of climate change.” The US election of Donald Trump, who has given up climate science and vowed to withdraw from the Paris Agreement, has fuelled fears of future climate change mitigation efforts. The Paris Agreement is an agreement within the UNFCCC (UNFCCC), which deals with the reduction, adaptation and financing of greenhouse gas emissions from 2020 on. The agreement aims to address the global threat of climate change by maintaining a global temperature increase well below 2 degrees Celsius this century and continuing efforts to further limit the temperature increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius. [1] LONDON, 14 August 2020 – The United Kingdom was one of 195 signatories to the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement, the global attempt to limit the climate crisis. In addition, he was one of the most energetic and enthusiastic supporters of the Paris Agreement, the formal title of the treaty. . . .

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