If the requirement of clause 41 is not met, it is a criminal offence and contrary to the provisions of the list agreement. Point 41 Failure to present the time limit provided by this clause If, within a fortnight of the date of the notice, a publicly traded company sets two successive late payments within the meaning of point 41 of the listing agreement, the exchange recognized, in addition to the imposition of a fine, moves the scrip of companies listed in the “Z” category, as shown above. (i) “uniform structure of fines” in the event of non-compliance with certain clauses of the listing agreement, procedures and formats for the limited control of the listed company and companies; The accounts of the listed company must be consolidated in accordance with Clause 41 of the listing agreement for the quarter 2014 ended December 31, 2014 In accordance with Article 41 of the listing agreement, each company submits quarterly, annual and annual financial results to the stock exchange in accordance with the clause. Trade suspensions are made if the entity does not comply with Clause 41 of the listing agreement with respect to the presentation of financial results for two consecutive quarters. For listed companies that are not banks and insurance companies (C-formats), in case of non-compliance with certain provisions of the listing agreement, The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has implemented its circular no CIR/MRD/DSA/DSA/31/2013 of September 30, 2013: Limited audit results format link and audit report are available below: – . Bartronics Ltd`s net income increased during the quarter to 74… This means that the entity must jointly report the audited results for the last quarter, as well as the full year results, within 60 days of the end of the fiscal year. . Capital paid as the first day of the fiscal year during which the non-compliance takes place. (This would relate to the listed capital according to the exchange data).
Jubilant FoodWorks, which operates Dominos pizza and Dunkin donut chains … 5000 daysâ‚ą per day until the date of compliance and if the non-compliance continues for more than 15 days an additional fine of 0.1% of the capital paid – of the company or 1 Crore, depending on what is less and less. . The above results are forwarded to the Stock Exchange within 15 days of the board meeting. . Asian Paints has set up the current joint venture with the American PPG … Mobile phone number: `91 98738 – 04109, `91 98681 – 24109` in the last quarter alone, the entity has the opportunity to report its audited financial results (both self-sustaining and consolidated) for the full year within 60 days of the end of the year. Revised formats for financial results and the implementation of ind-AS by listed companies iii.
The circular provides, among other things, for the imposition of fines as a first measure. Within 48 hours of the close of the board or committee meeting at which the financial results were approved, the company publishes a copy of the financial results that have been forwarded daily to the Stock Exchange, at least in English and daily in the regional language. The Company gives the Exchange at least 7 clear days prior to the meeting a pre-assessment of the date and time and purpose of the meeting, which takes into account the financial results. . SINTEX INDUSTRIES LTD. informed the BSE that the meeting of the company`s board of directors … 60 days – from the end of the quarter (when it is the last quarter) – would be based on the company`s fiscal year. The Board of Directors of Tata Steel BSL Limited (formerly known as Bhushan Steel Limited) (… “Z” class, when trading shares of non-compliant listed companies is done on the basis of trading.