The agreement was simple, we work together as a team to achieve our goals. These results are at odds with our previous conclusions. The Council agrees with the government`s policy. The good news is that in August, California reached an agreement with the U.S. Forest Service to intensify these efforts, with the goal of treating one million hectares per year for the next two decades. Finally, over the past four years, he and his representatives have cancelled or denounced dozens of other international environmental regulations, practices and agreements. It is true that we have not been able to reach an agreement, but we can still say that great strides have been taken. By agreement, all parties met in Indian Spring to consider a second contract in early February 1825. Popularity rank for the word “agreement” in Spoken Corpus Frequency: #718 “they had an agreement that they would not interfere in each other`s affairs”; “There was an agreement between management and the workers” I agree with many of them…
I heard Nancy Pelosi say that she did not want to leave until we agreed. “There was no agreement between theory and measurement”; “The results of two tests were in correspondence” The unity government agreement is accurate, fair and fair. “Since then, the CIA has paid out more than $1 million under the agreement,” the report says. Secretary Clinton`s ethics agreement at the time [she took office] did not exclude other State Department officials from attending or contacting the Clinton Foundation. Such an agreement currently exists for an influenza pandemic, Phelan notes, but not for any other type of disease or vaccine. And I`m waiting for a report on them, not on the processing of classified information, because it`s frivolous, but on: “Did I follow the policy? Have I complied with my employment contract? “I thought we`d already agreed,” Simpson says with a little warmth. This decision went hand in hand with a multi-party agreement to give all registered voters the opportunity to vote by mail or withdraw one at an early stage, as reported by the Louisville Courier Journal. with the exception of vessels with a record of less than eighty tonnes, the master of a ship must enter into an agreement with any sailor he carries from a port in Britain as a crew member; and this agreement must be in the form sanctioned by the Trade Council.
(See RUNNING AGREEMENT.) According to the IAEA, the agreement has three main points that Iran has all respected. Agreement or concord occurs when a word changes shape, depending on the other words to which it refers. This is a case of bending, and usually includes the value of a grammatical category “accepting” between different words or parts of the sentence. In standard English, for example, you can say I am or it is, but not “I am” or “it is.” This is because the grammar of the language requires that the verb and its subject coincide personally. The pronouns I and him are respectively the first and third person, just as the verbs are and are. The verbage form must be chosen to have the same person as the subject. The agreement, which, as above, is based on supra-grammatical categories, is a formal agreement, contrary to a fictitious agreement based on importance. For example, the term “The United States” is treated as unique for the purposes of the agreement, although it is formally plural. The results of my experience are in line with those of Michelson and with the law of general relativity. The state of consent Harmony of opinion, statement, action or character; Consent Concord; Compliance Since there is a good agreement between the members of the Council, the conclusion of such an agreement would have required the presence and signature of both candidates.